antivirus software: how do you actually install it?

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Tue Mar 23 15:39:59 UTC 2010

On Tue, March 23, 2010 14:21, Henry Dubb wrote:
> Yes, but that is with users consent. Those actions occur with root or sudo
> password. When most folks think of a virus its done without consent. On
> Windows my son had viruses all the time, but he never consented to them.
> Those scripts can only be done by system administrator with sudo / root
> access. Other users can't execute those scripts. This is entirely
> different
> than Windows in which they are executed without root permissions and
> without
> the users knowledge.
> If we want to call anything we execute with root permissions and a
> corresponding password a virus, sure Linux has viruses.

I think that this is what Liam calls a trojan, not a virus.

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