antivirus software: how do you actually install it?

Chris Jones jonesc at
Tue Mar 23 09:39:19 UTC 2010

> +1.  not quite as long though, since 02, never a problem. for the
> average non enterprise desktop user, you do not need any anti virus
> installed.

Agreed. However, whilst viruses aren't a big problem on linux (yet...) 
you can get hacked. I've known a few linux boxes this has happened to, 
so it can and does happen. So whilst I also wouldn't bother with 
antivirus applications, I would install something like chkrootkit and 
regularly run it (via cron for instance. I think it might even set 
itself up to do this so all you need to do is make sure you read the 
email sent to root on your machine...) to check for signs of invaders.

cheers Chris

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