Making the switch easier fo newbies

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Mar 18 16:54:55 UTC 2010

> I would start their change by making
> sure they are using firefox or chrome in windows.

This is the difference between helping them and frustrating them. Get
them on Firefox and Thunderbird first, then Open Office. After they've
been using those apps for a few months (no less!) tell them that you
are willing to install Ubuntu for them.

Note that you should never suggest to people that they should switch.
Just let them see Ubuntu, and casually comment how you never worry
about malware, and that all your software is free, not pirated. When
they start begging you to install Ubuntu for them, get them on Firefox
(and Tbird if need be). Let them get used to that before Open Office,
as Firefox demands little hand holding, but Open Office means that you
will be on the phone with them quite a bit for help.

Dotan Cohen

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