Making the switch easier fo newbies
Fred Roller
fred at
Thu Mar 18 16:33:02 UTC 2010
Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
> I sometimes go to my friends and family for a visit and they take
> advantage of my PC Tech skills to fix all those pesky errors, slowness
> and Spyware they get on their 3 yeard old (or older) Windows XP PCs....
> I would like to be able to convince them to switch to Linux (namely
> Ubuntu). As we all know - humans fear any change....
> So I was thinking it could be nice if I had a little free app I
> download to their Windows PC. This little app would scan their PC for
> all apps installed and the Web browser's History (after displaying the
> proper disclaimer, of course) and then produce a list of suitable
> Linux distributions for the specific needs of that computer user.
> Maybe even generate a selections list we can use to install using
> apt-get after a vanilla Ubuntu install, in effect - creating a 5 click
> Migration Assistant...
> Any of you know of such an app in existence?
> Imagine the following scenario:
> I go to my Aunts house, run this little app, it even downloads the
> proper ISO, I burn the ISO to disc and use it to revive her slow,
> buggy PC...
> Thanks!
> .:====================================================:.
> Amichai Rotman
> UIN#: 6401746
> Registered Linux User#: 201192 []
> Registered Ubuntu User #12851 []
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> .:====================================================:.
You could also give wubi a go. Installs and uninstalls from windows and
effectively creates a dual boot so they can try to use it. Personally,
I dd their hdd to an .img and install a vanilla system. If they dislike
the linux then I dd their system back onto their harddrive. (Honestly,
if I have a spare drive I just swap them out for the trial run.)
"Life is like linux, simple. If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."
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