Virtualbox on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit... looking for hints.

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Tue Mar 16 14:41:59 UTC 2010

Liam Proven wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Dave Woyciesjes
> <woyciesjes at> wrote:
>>        I'm in the process of looking for my self, but I was wondering if
>> anyone has any tested suggestions for optimizing the performance of
>> Windows 7 & XP on Virtualbox.
>>        Here's the setup:
>> Dell Optiplex 760 - Core2 Duo 2.66 MHz, 6GB RAM, 250 GB HDD, VT enabled
>> in BIOS.
>> Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
>> Latest Virtualbox personal binary install. Guest additions installed in
>> XP (assigned 1 CPU & 3GB RAM). Will be setting up Win7 soon.
>>        The XP & Win7 32 bit installs were converted from physical courtesy of
>> VMWare Converter.
>>        Any and all tips, tricks, suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.
> Well, I suppose it depends what you want to do with it, but I used
> TinyXP in my VB VM, myself. The "bare" install, fully patched & with
> IE8 etc., takes only about 50MB RAM - so for the few Windows apps I
> use, I need only 512MB for good performance, certainly not 3GB.
> I found the 3D extensions quite unreliable and have disabled that
> support. The DxDiag tests could not complete, for example.

	The XP install is part of the system here, of controlled desktops for 
the users (I work on a help desk); so that's why I converted it, instead 
of starting fresh.
	I'll check and make sure the 3D is shutdown.. Thanks.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -
             Registered Linux user number 464583
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