How to manually install Ubuntu

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Wed Mar 10 15:08:46 UTC 2010

Mike McMullin wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 09:17 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Is there a way to skip the step where it starts the partitioner?
>> I've been trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on an Eeepc for over a week now.
>> I've overcome a lot of problems but now the install hangs on the
>> partitioner step.
>> I would like to boot the Gpartd Live CD, setup and format the disk the
>> way I want it and then install Ubuntu to it without the partitioner
>> getting involved.
>> The SSD seems to be good now. I've used dd to wipe it twice, then I ran
>> testdisk and it showed no errors.  I've even taken the Eeepc recovery CD
>> and installed the original OS, but I cannot get Ubuntu to install.
>    Not too sure about this Jim, but at some point you'll need to deal
> with the Partitioner, even if you set up your partitions, you'll need to
> tell the installer which ones to use or it will partition for itself.

I did manage to get past this point by putting 256MB of freespace at the 
front of the disk. Now the install proceeds to 95% and then stops at 
grub-install with a fatal error.

Regards,  Jim

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