Which ubuntu version install

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be
Mon Mar 8 09:39:03 UTC 2010

On Mon, March 8, 2010 09:37, Tom H wrote:
>>> I have HP Compaq DX 2180 Tower Model i want to install ubuntu. I tried
>>> ubuntu 8.04 LTS but it is not installing then which version i have to
>>> install .
>> If 8.04 doesn't work, try 9.10.
>> If that doesn't work either, provide us with the exact error messages.
> Given that you wanted to install 8.04, you might want to be more
> conservative and install 9.04 rather than go for 9.10.

8.04 is LTS, but 9.04 isn't and neither is 9.10. I don't see the point in
recommending a release that will go out of support before the end of this

Wait 2 months and there is another LTS: 10.04

See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle for a nice chart.

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