question about ncdu results

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Sat Mar 6 20:31:16 UTC 2010


I have been watching the thread on the zero space problem and when I saw the 
note about ncdu, I decided that it might be a good thing to have. So..

I like it! I was able to recover about 500MB of space on one of my systems that 
was used by an application I had forgotten about. Not a lot of space but when 
you only have 32GB every MB counts!

In the process I discovered that on two of the four systems it reports an error 
in the directory .gvfs for the home directory of a user(not the same user). The 
other users are OK and on the other systems all the users are OK.

Each directory appears to be empty... What should I do to correct things?

BTW what is the directory .gvfs for any way?


Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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