Zero Bytes free on my hard drive

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Sat Mar 6 16:06:46 UTC 2010

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Clark <keithclark at> wrote:

> When I was in recovery mode, I was unable to use an email program on the
> computer with the problem!  Copying and Pasting was not an option.  I
> had to use a laptop aside my problem machine to be able to post results,
> or I would have.
> That being said, now that I have it up and running, I can copy and past
> my results from various commands now.

I tend to run "script" if I want to capture this kind of output.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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