Zero Bytes free on my hard drive

Keith Clark keithclark at
Sat Mar 6 00:47:35 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-03-06 at 01:32 +0100, Xandros Pilosa wrote:
> Dne 05.03.2010 (pet) ob 18:19 -0500 je Keith Clark zapisal(a):
> [snip] 
> > > 
> > I have completely removed sbackup from this and all my machines.  The
> > torrent files were indeed taking up a ton of space!  My problem is that
> > my drive was only ever 50% full, but was running out of space.
> > 
> > Keith
> Yes, I understand that and my intention was to find out which process is
> eating space after you boot up.
> I gave Ktorrent just as an example of apli. which makes gvfs to report
> the size of data which actually is not there.
> My assumption was that you may have some application running in the
> background on you system with similar tendenci.
> By the way, if you don't mind me take another shot in the mist, did you
> check /media dir. (where sbackup files were, as you wrote) for any
> hidden dirs?
> And also: "gvfs reports root partition 100% full"
> >From post #12 (back to the sbackup):
> <quote>
> > I had the same problem and found my solution here at
> > I did not have to re-install the OS.
> > 
> > Apparently when the network share drive fails to mount due to the
> > fstab problem (network not up, drive will not mount), sBackup creates
> > the backup in your root folder. The procedure at this site outline the
> > steps to clear the hidden backup folder/file then describes how to
> > delete them from the root Trash folder. I just cleared up 22 Gib of
> > reported space. Kudos to Arun Subramanian’s Blog (Deleting files from
> > root’s trash folder in Ubuntu)!
> </quote>
> Regards
Yes, that is where I found 2 sbackup files.  I deleted those, but they
had no impact on the free space available.


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