How to make 'automatic' remote desktop

Guus Ellenkamp guus at
Wed Mar 3 07:32:06 UTC 2010

Hi Guys and girls,

I've tried Linux many times, but always went back to the Microsoft stuff as 
I still believe it's easier to use (and no, I don't like Microsoft policies 
in general, especially the pricing).

However, I need to run an Ubuntu system to be able to serve a customer, so I 
(finally) managed to set it up in a VMWare virtual machine (again, I was a 
bit annoyed as I normally use Microsoft Virtual server, but it did not want 
to install the Ubuntu stuff, so had no option).

Now I just want to connect with multiple users (as with Windows remote 
desktop) and seem to have to assign all kinds of numbers to get this going.

My question is: is there any way to just connect from any other system to 
this server with a desktop without being limited to a 'numbered' Xserver 
dependent on the user? And of course I would like it easy to install.

And please, don't get me wrong, I'm a very experience computer guy, but I 
still don't get why in Linux I always have to edit all kinds of files with 
numbers and stuff to configure quite 'simple' things.

Please advise,


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