Locking folder on USB drive

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Tue Mar 2 09:00:53 UTC 2010

On 02/28/2010 08:14 PM, epomerantz at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to password protect a folder in a Pen drive. Because I need to use this both at work (w/ M$) and a home computer (Linux) I want to be able to keep the data secured. I found Truecrypt and FreeOTFE to be overkill and too complex and I would like to see of anyone has any suggestions of a much simpler but still universal security system?
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
I confess I have not used truecrypt on my linux box, but I have used it 
on windows and frankly it's pretty easy.  Once installed you fire up the 
software, tell it how large a container you want to create and follow 
instructions.  Once the container is created, double click, give it a 
password and it mounts, treat it like any other partition.  I assume it 
is similar in the linux version.

In fact, thinking about the necessities of cryptography, I think it 
would be tough to make it easier.  What do you see as your "use case" 
and how do you see it fitting in your work flow.  Alternatively, what is 
it that appears to be complex? Maybe someone will recognize will 
recognize your issues and be able to help.

One more comment on the "overkill" issue.  For a pendrive that you plan 
on losing in the street if it is worth crypting, shouldn't it be pretty 
robust?  (Iknow, i know, you don't "plan" on losing it.  But that is the 
threat right?)

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