fyi: Dan Gilmore: This Mac devotee is moving to Linux

Calcpage calcpage at
Wed Jun 23 18:50:38 UTC 2010

On Jun 23, 2010, at 1:47 PM, =JeffH <Jeff.Hodges at>  

> This Mac devotee is moving to Linux
> Seeking real freedom of choice in a technology ecosystem where  
> vendors are
> exerting more and more control
> By Dan Gillmor
> < 
> >
> [ this article is slated to appear at Dan's MediaActive blog at the  
> end of this
> week; see: <> ]
> I'm not religious about technology. My strategy is to use what works  
> best, period.
> This is why, for more than a decade, I've been using a Mac as my  
> primary
> computer (and had been using Macs for some of my work long before  
> that).
> Apple's personal computers continue to be the best combination of  
> hardware and
> software on the market today.
> So why am I about to migrate to Linux (aka GNU/Linux)? Because Apple  
> is pushing
> me away, and because I value some principles, perhaps almost  
> religiously, that
> affect other decisions.
> Apple is pushing computer users as fast as it can toward a centrally  
> controlled
> computing ecosystem where it makes all the decisions about what native
> applications may be used on the devices it sells -- and takes a cut  
> of every
> dollar that is spent inside that ecosystem. This is a direct  
> repudiation of its
> own history, and more broadly that of the larger personal-computing  
> ecosystem,
> where no one can stop anyone else from writing and distributing  
> software that
> other people might want to use.
> Steve Jobs says Apple is a curator, nothing more. This grossly  
> understates the
> control. Jobs says Apple has "made mistakes" in being the police,  
> judge, jury
> and executioner in its Disney-style world, and is working hard to  
> perfect the
> system.
> But this is a disconnect with reality. Central control, no matter how
> well-intentioned, is itself the problem, not the solution. The  
> "enlightened
> dictator" is fiction. And dangerous.
> I realize that I won't persuade the many people who prefer to live  
> in gated
> communities, believing they can leave any time they wish. But  
> switching costs
> will only get higher over time for those who choose to live in the  
> Apple ecosystem.
> <snip/>

You've to the right place, welcome!

Let's face it, there's no such thing as s mac anymore anyway.  They  
used to have their own processor, now it's intel!  They used to have  
their own OS, no it's BSD Linux!  So, u get the best of both worlds  
running Linux on a PC.  It's still an intel box running Linux, without  
all the dictators!

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math & CS
Sent from my iPod

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