setting up ftp and sftp servers

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sun Jun 20 12:23:32 UTC 2010

On 06/20/2010 07:02 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> Goh Lip wrote:

> Goh Lip,
> I read the bug reports but other than " remove this crap.." no
> reasonable explanation is given other than".. the config files do not
> comply with Debian standards ..( or wording to that effect).
> If Pulseaudio is well within the Debian standards I think the Debian
> developers have no idea how to comply to real well written standards
> which, moreover, I cannot find.
> Joep

Joep, I really have no opinion on this. I just get the feeling that it 
was no longer maintained and the developer wants it to be removed from 
the repositories, so I guess debian and hence ubuntu have to find other 
alternatives, not that it is not safe. But really I don't know exactly.

But if it not maintained, it may cause dependency problems like perl 
etc.. see

Take care, regards - Goh Lip

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