how to configure squid

ning luwen ningluwen at
Wed Jun 16 05:38:35 UTC 2010

> On 15 June 2010 16:29, ning luwen <ningluwen at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem set up squid. described as follow:
>> the squid server ip for example ,a.b.c.d,
>> after setup , the ips like a.b.c.e can use the http proxy normally,
>> but ips like f.g.h.i just can not use the proxy.
> If you gave your IP addresses it would be easier to help you.
> Most likely you are having problems with your ACL setup.
> The Squid config file in /etc/squid$version has the following bits as
> an example:
ok, the squid server ip like 211.83.105.*
the client ip like 121.49.127.*

the squid.conf i change to :

http_port 3128
acl all src
http_access allow all

and this also do not work.


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