New moderation technique

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sat Jun 12 13:52:00 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Loïc Grenié <loic.grenie at> wrote:
> 2010/6/12 Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at>:
>> On 06/12/2010 05:21 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 11/06/10 22:56, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>        Yesterday I broke the moderation rule. It appears to be:
>>>>        moderation = number - x = 0
>>>> where number is the number of messages YOU sent.
>>>> x is a moderation number selected by the moderator.
>>>> When number and x are equal, your not able to send any message to this list.
>>>> This list is unable to control the use of it. We get emails selling
>>>> things. This "fix" will not fix this.
>>> Karl, [...] you[r] post [...] above [is] totally
>>> unintelligible [...]
>>         I am sorry English is not your language.
>    English is not my language either (I'm French, living in Italy). I
>  find it also hard to understand your first e-mail. Could
>  you explain what you mean in your sentence
> "This list is unable to control the use of it. We get emails selling
> things. This "fix" will not fix this."
>    In particular: what is "it" at the end of the first sentence ?
>  What is the ""fix"" in the middle of the third ? What is "this" at
>  the end of the second sentence ? How is the second sentence
>  related to the rest (your being moderated) ?
>    It looks to me, but I may be wrong, that you are explaining
>  some parts of what you are thinking, but some parts are
>  missing. The last paragraph does not seem to be related to
>  the rest either. At least, I do not understand the relation.

I think that Karl had a two-part, stream of consciousness blog post.

The first was that there is a (daily?) maximum number of posts that
one email address are allowed to make.

The second was that 8.04 is better suited for playing games than
10.04, which he seems to believe has games-related bugs.

At least, this is how I understood Karl's email...

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