Ubuntu on Microsoft's xbox gaming console

Thomas Kaiser ubuntu at kaiser-linux.li
Mon Jun 7 18:57:23 UTC 2010

Hi All

I use since several years a xbox (1. xbox, not xbox360) for my mail 
server at home. At the time I got this xbox I made the Linux mod with 
Debian (around year 2003/2004?). After some time with Debian I decided 
to move Debian to Ubuntu with a custom install CD I made to include the 
xbox kernel into the Ubuntu installer. Everything went well and I have 
Ubuntu 7.10 running on my xbox.

Now I would like to update, at least to 8.04 LTS, or even better to 
10.04 LTS. But I don't know if I upgraded my 7.10 install until the 
support stopped. Any recommendation how to upgrade?

Even if could upgrade to a newer release of Ubuntu, I can't upgrade the 
kernel. I use the 2.6.15-26-xbox1 kernel which has special patches for 
the xbox which I think are not available anymore on newer kernels. Will 
this be a problem? Can I run newer release of Ubuntu with this kernel.

Has anyone some experiences in this field?


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