vsftpd login settings

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Wed Jun 2 03:10:21 UTC 2010


I am configuring vsftpd for a project.  Anonymous logins are not 
allowed, only virtual users.  I have had the server up for a total of 
two days, and periodically get slammed with repeated login attempts.  
They appear to be automated because the logs show three login fails then 
a new connect seconds later.  Here are my questions:

Does anyone know of a directive that will cause a connect to be refused 
after a max_login_fail is hit?  I don't want a total lockout, but if I 
could have connections refused for say, five minutes, that might inspire 
a bot to go away and bother someone else.

Aside from my logs growing insanely, do I need to worry about this behavior?

Thanks for any thoughs


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