[Thread Hijack] Re: How do I upgrade Ubuntu OS from the CD.

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at mindspring.com
Sat Jul 31 04:06:09 UTC 2010

On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 13:08:44 +1000
Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:

> On 31/07/2010 12:49, NoOp wrote:
> > On 07/29/2010 09:17 PM, Stephen Michael Kuhn wrote:
> >    
> >> On Fri, 30 Jul 2010 01:48:35 pm NoOp wrote:
> >>      
> >>> *PLEASE* start a *new* thread. You are hijacking an existing
> >>> thread on the list and your subject has nothing to do with the
> >>> original thread. I'll repeat:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists
> >>>
> >>> Read the entire page, and then re-read the 'Threading' section.
> >>>        
> >> Gosh, I remember the days (read "years") that I spent as a
> >> list-cop for RH and Mandrake...brings back heaps strange
> >> memories...glad to know the same spirit still lives on...
> >>
> >>      
> > I see you are new here... it might be worthwhile for you to read
> > that link as well as this one:
> > http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
> >
> > Hijacking threads is frowned on in _any_ mailing list that I am
> > aware of. Please respect the OP of the *original* thread and start
> > a new one instead. Asking to do so has nothing to do with being a
> > "list-cop", but instead having the common courtesy to respect
> > others threads&  try to abide by the guidelines of this list. Same
> > for others that disregard the OP/thread&  respond to the hijack.
> > IMO it's better to politely advise the hijacker (new or old list
> > user) to *please* start a new thread rather than have the OP/thread
> > entirely overridden by the hijacked thread subject. Surely, as a
> > former "list-cop" you understand that... right? 
> Nah....he has already given you the clue..."Mandrake"!
> (It's like (re Manuel), "He comes from Barcelona". :-) )
> BC
And probably thinks that, if his behavior is better than that of
Madrid's Peter T. Breuer, it is OK anywhere.

Were his knowledge and experience of the caliber of Peter's then I would
have to agree.

Granted, I don't yet know.

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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