How do I upgrade Ubuntu OS from the CD.

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Fri Jul 30 04:16:03 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-07-30 at 13:22 +1000, R Wall wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks for all your help, I didn't think I would get so many replies. The 
> version that I HAD installed was 9.10. When I went to check the version 
> number I also went to Up date manager and it said I could do a partial 
> upgrade. So I thought I would get Ubuntu OS up to date before upgrading to 
> 10.04. It asked me to put the CD in and it started to up date. It loaded all 
> the required files and started to install them. The screen went to sleep and 
> wouldn't wake up. I let it finish flashing the hard drive and it just 
> stopped with nothing coming up on the sleepy screen. When I restarted it 
> couldn't mount the drive and that was it.
> I now need to do a NEW 10.04 install. I have two drives in my desktop 
> computer. One has Windose XP and the other HAD (no longer) Ubuntu 9.10 OS on 
> it. During boot up I was able to select which OS I wanted.
> How do I make sure that when I install 10.04 from CD that it is installed on 
> the Ubuntu drive and not the Windose OS drive.

When it gets to the portion to initialize your drives, you pick the
advanced option and then carefully pick the original linux partition and
edit it for mounting / and mark it for formatting. Leave the rest
~carefully~ alone. It's a moment for silent prayer and personal
introspection. If you have obtained a chicken foot, now it the time to
wave it. Then you hit the red button. 

With regards to the previous failure and subsequent loathing to repeat
it, if you have "virus protection" set to your harddrive "on" in your
bios, it'll think the install process is one huge virus trying to take
over and fail miserably when grub2 tries to write to the boot sector.
Make sure this "feature" is off, before you start. Otherwise, it'll all
fail again at the very last of the install, with no warning nor notice
and it all ends in tears. 

Have fun! I'd wait for a few more replies, just to make sure that I
haven't left anything obvious out. But, that is basically it. Ric

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