How do I upgrade Ubuntu OS from the CD.

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Thu Jul 29 20:21:58 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-07-29 at 15:03 -0500, Billie Walsh wrote:

> My first Linux experiences was with SuSE, about 9.0. 

Then, you weren't hatched yesterday, is my point.

> Over time I managed 
> to kill it off often enough to learn what not to do. Then I kept hearing 
> the buzz about Ubuntu so I decided to take a look. Two/three years on 
> now and I haven't looked back.

For a brand newbie, who doesn't mention the version number he's moving
front, etc., it could become risky. Look at the messages lately where
grub2 fails. Where wireless upchucks and fails. If he's not running some
mission critical server, and firefox is the major task performed on his
system, plus some sort of emailer, giving an upgrade a shot won't hurt a
thing. But a leap from 8.04 to 10.4? Oh heck nah. IMHO, back up data,
freshly install. And leave the dot files alone, as much as possible. 

For MY mission critical server, I do a fresh install.  The OP can and
will do as he likes, I ain't the install-traffic cop. As I said before,
it's my two cents worth. The list got asked, the OP gets many points of
view. Ric

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