How do I upgrade Ubuntu OS from the CD.

Christopher Rob JONES christopher.rob.jones at
Thu Jul 29 12:53:31 UTC 2010

>> In all honesty - and this is not from a personal perspective, but
>> from a consultant's perspective - unless there is something UTTERLY
>> IRRETRIEVEABLE on that install, it's better to do a fresh
>> installation than upgrade. The quantified time you spend backing up
>> and doing a fresh installation is nothing in comparison to doing an
>> upgrade - chasing down all the niggly bits that don't work properly,
>> trying to resolve old issues that you thought were fixed, other
>> system/OS related issues. However, the choice is yours to make.
> I'm sorry, but I have to call FUD on that.  Ubuntu is the most easily
> upgraded OS I have ever tried.  In all my upgrades (yes, up/grades/)
> from Warty in 2004 it has been seamless and I have never once had to
> chase down anything.  Once in a while something will not work properly
> if I upgrade right away when a new version is offered, but all problems
> have self-resolved with further upgrades.

+1 to that. Never had problems upgrading ubuntu ...

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