Auto Start

nitin chandra nitinchandra1 at
Sun Jul 25 19:34:11 UTC 2010

Hi Everyone,

I have AMD 6 core 64bit, with 500GB SATA, and 4GB DDR3 configured system.

Installed on that is Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 64 bit, and then it was
updated. Various python based programmes and GIS based programmes were
installed through Synaptic. After updating I also Installed VMware
Server 2.0.2, flawlessly. Then I installed 4 Guest OS; 3 Ubuntu 64bit
Guest OS and 1 MS XPsp2 . Net connection is bridged and working with
static IP set (some how route was not getting set so had to add the
route command in a 'static-route' file in /etc/network/if-up.d/). GUI
was started when logged through FireFox-3.5.9 and Vmware Tools. One VM
(named DEV) where I have installed Apache 1, and my demo software
which I was accessing through Internet. Router setting were Nat'ed to
port 80 of this DEV-VM.

My list of woes started few weeks back, when I had to recompile QGIS
(v1.5) on my Ubuntu server (HOST MACHINE). This required that install
a lot of other dependencies. most of them were Qt libs. But some were
like resolvconf, ccache, cmake, bison, flex, make.

After compiling 5-6 times QGIS and finally (almost got it working
except when AddVector Layer > selecting a CSV file; it crashed)  got
the desired result. During this time i noticed on Restart of Host
machine, my net setting were getting disrupted and that I had to stop
my Net connection through WICD ( now removed, as it was not giving any
advantage in regard to my issue) and restart to get connected.

Now I am not able to start Apache2 on my HOST machine, cups is also
not getting started at boot time on my HOST machine. and Yes, so is my
'vmware' NOT auto-starting on my HOST machine. I am able to start all
these by giving a #sudo  /etc/init.d/{vmware,cups, apache2}'
(separately) command.

I have also done is remove the concerned vmware's  S and K file from
/etc/rc*.d/ and ran

#sudo update-rc.d vmware defaults

after this I saw the S and K scripts in the right place. STILL, vmware
, apache2 and cups are not auto starting.

I also have used  # sudo  sysv-rc-conf ; selected / checked the
desired apps. Still nothing I am doing makes a difference. I have also
done is create a link in rcS.d but No Luck.

I assume IF vmware can be brought up to work at boot time, like
before, so can Apache2 and cups Or vise-a-versa.

I really need, is some guidance, support, tips, help, on how to go
about it, as I REALLY dont want to REINSTALL the OS again, and the
rest of the software's. If that can be avoided GREAT, else ,.....

I have asked around to some of the other SysAdmin, but no luck there
too :(. One of them suggested that my 'rc.local' may be "broken".
Dunno how to repair that OR if there is a work around.

Needless to say my work is getting delayed.

It will be much appreciated.



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