Testing (Sorry)

Mike McGinn mikemcginn at mcginnweb.net
Sun Jul 25 01:28:20 UTC 2010

On Saturday 24 July 2010 21:23:25 Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 14:42:26 -0500
> Bryan Cassidy <bcassidy60613 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sorry, need to test to see if my messages are making it through. I see
> > my messages in the archives but not through Evolution when replying.
> > If there is a test list, I missed it, and I am sorry.
> I think you're running into a gmail problem wherein it doesn't send
> back messages that you send to the mailing list.
> There may be a way around it but your own messages are there in the,
> "Sent," folder anyway.  you know what you sent, right?  Anyway, that's
> gmail's way.
> As far as a test list, I don't think such exists, so test away. (I could
> be wrong; it's happened)  After all, this ain't Usenet where there are
> forty-leventeen dozenty test groups.
> Cybe R. Wizard
Cybe is correct, a gmail account, or any Google mail hosted account will not 
send you copies of messages. I have a gmail account and a domain with Google 
mail. I have Kontact set up to CC one when I send from the other. That way I 
always get a copy.

Mike McGinn		FACOCM
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