Firefox Issues

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Jul 24 12:04:16 UTC 2010

On 24/07/10 21:26, Karl Larsen wrote:
> On 07/24/2010 01:09 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 24/07/10 16:14, Barry Premeaux wrote:
>>> It was an update through update manager.  I have 10.04 on the laptop,
>>> but haven't had it on in the past couple weeks to get any updates.  My
>>> desktop is still using 9.10.  The update came two days ago.  Comcast
>>> had a network outage yesterday for my area, so I didn't discover the
>>> issues until tonight.  I'll fire up the laptop tomorrow and see if it
>>> has these issues after it updates.
>>> For now, the important sites I need don't seem to be bothered by the
>>> issue.  And, I can use Opera if I need to get to a site that Firefox
>>> has problems with.
>> Would you mind mentioning some of the sites which you find Firefox
>> having problems with? I'll see if I get the same hassles.
>> BC
>           The sites I try to see are any with movies. I click to start
> the movie, and Firefox goes dark. It never opens the movie. What
> happened was the Security Update needed so badly, ruined all the flash
> drivers AGAIN!!!!
> I am getting tired of Firefox problems :-(

For chrissake, Karl, firstly I wasn't asking you the question, and 
secondly if you are going to respond then don't tell me some crap about 
"movies" but tell me what I asked! - give me some sites, you know, URLs!

> 73 Karl

And God created Woman; and to repent He then created Beer.

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