When minimizing, screen gets lost.

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Sat Jul 24 08:47:27 UTC 2010

On 24/07/10 18:20, Herman Aalderink wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-07-24 at 16:02 +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>> On 24/07/10 15:42, Herman Aalderink wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 10:03 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>>>> On 07/22/2010 05:44 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:22:59 +0800
>>>>> Herman Aalderink<hermanaa at gmail.com>   wrote:
>>>>>> I tested Alt-+TAB ...... it works !!   (I tested with just 2 windows
>>>>>> in FireFox)
>>>>> Right-click your bottom panel.<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>> Choose, "Add to Panel."<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>> Add, "Window List."<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>> Should work again.
>>>>> Cybe R. Wizard
>>>> +1
>>> Working !<<<<<<<<<<
>>> Just a matter of getting used to a new setup I guess.
>>>    (there's a whole bunch of stuff under that
>>>     'Right-click your bottom panel').
>>> I already checked it in Evolution and FireFox.
>>> Looking good !
>>> Thanks for the helping hand.
>>> Herman in Philippines.
>> What is most annoying is that this can work one day but then an upgrade
>> will make it all not work (again) :-( - as it happened here.
>> BC
> Just look at the price Basil. Where do you get such a bargain?
> Yes, we could do without the annoyance .....
>   (we have a choice to stay with the previous/precious version ......)
> I guess you and me (and NoOp, and many others) will have to pitch in and
> lend a helping hand.
> ... I feel comfortable. Not because it is so good, but because we always
> have a way out .... (my escape, aside from this list, is Puppy Linux).

Oh p-u-l-e-e-z-e don't start this crap which is found in another distro 
which I left because of this sort of crap!

Everything was fine until an upgrade - then the problem came in. This is 
called a "regression".

OK, "s***" happens - I accept this. And all I stated was that it was an 

But now you come in with the crap about, "Oh, what you are using is free 
so don't whinge - and if you want to whinge then contribute" and similar 

So, is this the normal attitude in Puppy Linux (and another one which I 
won't bother to mention)?



And God created Woman; and to repent He then created Beer.

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