Intel 3945 ABG Wireless Card not Enable in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 Bits

Diogo Branco diogobranco at
Fri Jul 23 16:05:33 UTC 2010

Hi, i have a laptop 'LG S1 Pro' with a Wireless Card 'Intel Pro
Wireless 3945 ABG', the wireless card is properly install and i have
execute the fowlling command 'lshw -C network' and the network card
appears to be install but disable, then i do 'sudo rfkill list' to
list all block devices and appear that the wireless card have software
locked equal to no and hardware locked equal to yes, with his
information i have execute 'rfkill unblock 0' but with no luck because
hardware locked appears with yes again, dont know what to do next? I
have checked the bios for wireless on and off no luck, in the laptop,
the keys FN+F6 is the combination that enables the Wireless device but
on ubuntu this combination doest work.

Any ideias??

Regards, Diogo.

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