When minimizing, screen gets lost.

Herman Aalderink hermanaa at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 08:31:40 UTC 2010

When I open my browser (for example), and I maximize, it covers the
whole screen. OK.
When I click on 'partial screen' it fills part of the screen. OK.
When I minimize, it (visibly) disappears to Trash. It is GONE.
(I did not find it in TRASH ...)

It behaves as if I clicked on file > Close.
(with a minor difference)

After many MB's of updates I do not see any change/correction.
(looks like a major thing to me ... not something to leave hanging ....
hard to correct perhaps?)

Am I going nuts? Is Canonical?
Am I doing something wrong maybe ....?

I did not see it mentioned here on the list.

Just trying to find answers to my problems ......

I am running 10.04 64-bit, updated.

Herman in Philippines. 

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