where is the recently accessed file list stored

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Tue Jul 20 08:29:06 UTC 2010

On 20 July 2010 07:47, John D Lamb <J.D.Lamb at btinternet.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-07-20 at 11:32 +0800, yu huang wrote:
>> I want to have a menu item in places where records the recent accessed
>> directory.
>> I am wondering where is the recent accessed document list stored in
>> ubuntu?
>> How does ubuntu track the recently accessed file?
> There is no recently accessed file list. As far as I know no operating
> system _automatically_ maintains such a list — there are just too many
> files. Individual programmes like OpenOffice may maintain a list of
> files they have used.

I suspect the OP is referring to Places, Recent Documents.


> You can create a recently accessed list using
> Places
>  Search for files …
> Choose a folder such as your home folder. Don’t search the entire file
> system — that will take far too long — and unlike other OSs, Ubuntu
> keeps your files separate from system files. Under
> Select more options
> add an option for
> Date modified less than
> and choose (say) 14 days.
> This should find your recently-used files.
> There are other solutions to this. You may have to look beyond the
> Ubuntu catalogue to find them.
> --
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