Karmic Time in wrong zone

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 23:56:47 UTC 2010

Clock 2.28.0 is in the panel

Right clicking on the applet,
brings up the configuration
shows my location as:

    Albuquerque America/Denver

which is correct, but the time it
is displaying is 2 hours later.

typing date at the command line
shows the same time, but it is EDT
which is consistent with the correct
time displayed on the command line
and in the applet.

Another quirk is that the show temperature
and weather boxes are checked but nothing
is displayed in the applet.

Typed an env command, but didn't see anything
relevant in the environment variables.  Don't see
the "dot" configuration files in the home directory.
Drew Einhorn

"You can see a lot by just looking."
  --  Yogi Berra
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