iTune on 10.04

clintin at clintin at
Mon Jul 19 12:42:58 UTC 2010

On 07/19/2010 04:53 AM, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone managed to install iTune on 10.04.
> - I've tried install it directly with Wine, didn't work.
> - I've tried setup Winxp first on Vmware and then iTune, it gives blue
> screen when I connect the iPhone. LOL.
> Anyone else has more luck?
> Thank you.
It's the version of iTunes you installed that causes the blue screen.
You need to go back to version 9.02 if memory serves me correctly.
If you search the message archives on this list, I provided the 
version number and a download link.  Your approach with WinXP on 
Linux and VMware is the best solution, IMO.

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