file permissions

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Tue Jul 13 21:20:21 UTC 2010

On 07/13/2010 05:12 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 13 July 2010 22:00, Gryllida<gryllida at>  wrote:
>> On 7/14/10, Jordon Bedwell<jordon at>  wrote:
>>> On 7/13/2010 3:48 PM, Gryllida wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 17:41 +0930, Gryllida wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello. I store some files on a windows XP machine. The windows user
>>>>>>> shared them with permission everyone full control.
>>>>>>>   I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, and while being able to edit them all-right,
>>>>>>> when I make new files, they have only me on the permissions list.
>>>>>>> resulting in the windows user unable to open them...
>>>>>>>   The files themselves are stored on the other machine, not on this one
>>>>>>> , I get to it by smb://ip/.
>>>>>>> What can I configure to fix it?
>>>>>>> Possibly to make the files I create inherit the permissions of the
>>>>>>> directory I'm making them in?

>>>>>> On 7/13/10, Anggi Lesmana<alesmana2010 at>  wrote:
>>>>>> Please try this method, type on your terminal :
>>>>>> $ sudo chmod 777 -R /your/sambasharefolder
>>>>> On 7/14/10, Gryllida<gryllida at>  wrote:
>>>>> What does it do?
>>>> On 7/14/10, Jordon Bedwell<jordon at>  wrote:
>>>>> $: man chmod
>>>>> chmod -- change file modes or Access Control Lists
>>>>> Octal       Text    Binary  Description
>>>>> 0   ---     000     All types of access are denied
>>>>> 1   --x     001     Execute access is allowed only
>>>>> 2   -w-     010     Write access is allowed only
>>>>> 3   -wx     011     Write and execute access are allowed
>>>>> 4   r--     100     Read access is allowed only
>>>>> 5   r-x     101     Read and execute access are allowed
>>>>> 6   rw-     110     Read and write access are allowed
>>>>> 7   rwx     111     Everything is allowed
>>>> I see, thanks.
>>>>> $: chmod 777 /file.txt
>>>> What does this line do?
>>> 777 is +rwx (read write execute).  To further elaborate why we have 3
>>> numbers is because we have, owner, group and others. So the first 7 is
>>> owner, second is group and third is others. So 744 would be rwx for you,
>>> read for your group and read for everyone else.

>>>>> Normally you work with Octal or Text EXP:
>>>>> $: chmod +rwx /file.txt
>>>> This one allows everything for this file. For which user?
>> Thanks for the 777 explanation,
>> can you please reply to this question as well? ----^
>> I don't understand who exactly would be grated the read/write/whatever
>> access in this case.
> The first 7 says that the you (the user who does the chmod command)
> can do everything, the second applies to the group, I don't think
> windows supports groups so probably not relevant, and the third says
> that any other user can rwx.

	Actually the first number refers to the owner of the file.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -
             Registered Linux user number 464583
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