Setting up Samba on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)

Tom Rue tomrue at
Mon Jul 12 16:18:19 UTC 2010

Greetings for the day.

This is my first post here. On the first attempt at sending it, the mail
system informed me it was being held for moderator approval because it was
too long. I cancelled that post and have placed all of the Samba output and
contents of smb.conf (two files) on my site at
Possibly the best thing would be to simply get one of them right and then
put both smb.conf (or nearly identical) files on both machines.

I am hoping someone here will be willing to assist me by tell me what I am
doing wrong, and how to fix, with setting up Samba on the LAN configuration
described below.

I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx, 4/2010) on two machines. One
machine (Persephone) is a desktop in my basement. The other is a portable
laptop ("Aphrodite").

>From the "Places" menu when I click on "Network" I see "Windows Network".
(My expectation is this should say "tomrue", the name of my workgroup. No?

When I click on "Windows Network", it tells me, "Opening Windows Network.
You can stop this operation by clicking cancel."

After several seconds, the error changes to, "Unable to mount location /
Failed to retrieve share list from server."

Also, my wife has a portable laptop ("Inanna") on which she insists on
running Windows Vista (Home Premium). Prior to my recent installation of
Lucid Lynx I was able to access her laptop (only the "Public" directory)
from the earlier version of Ubuntu that I had on "Persephone" (as well as
WinVista on a dual boot) on Aphrodite. I have since eliminated Vista from my
laptop and am running Ubunto alone. I have not yet been able to see her
machine on the network s, though it is also part of the "tomrue" workgroup.

Additionally, I have a webserver ("Demeter") running with no GUI ( not
installed) running FreeBSD 6. If were to install Samba from /ports, would it
be possible to browse folders on the server from the other machines?

Please excuse the lengthy message, but below is all of the relevant output
that I could come up with based on queries by other users with similar
questions. Any help would be much appreciated. It's obvious to me that I
don't have Samba (and possible some security settings) right, or at the very
least the two Ubunto machines could connect.

Output below is for "Persephone" is first, followed by "Aphrodite" second.

Many thanks.


See for full message and output.
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