Display problem: Graphics mode not starting

arun singh arun.arwachin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 08:14:42 UTC 2010

Hello Folks,

I am using ubuntu lucid 10.04 latest kernel.I am facing severe problem as I
am not too friendly with console/Terminal login.

I have tried to start & reconfigure "X" server but unable to resolve the
When i tries to configure X  ,It shows following message.
Step1). ubuntu is running on low graphics mode.Your screen,graphics card &
input device settings couldn't be detected correctly.You will need to
configure these yourself.

Step2). After above I select any of these options ,it shows same message:
I tried: *1.: Run Ubuntu on low graphics mode for one session only.
            *2 : Reconfigure graphics
            *3 : Troubleshoot the error
            *4.: Exit to console login
           *5  : Restart X
Step3). all above options throw this message:
"STANDBY ONE MINUTE WHILE DISPLAY STARTS"  ,when I click ok on it it throws
to console window.

Please help me to resolve this problem.Looking forward to hear from list


Arun Singh.
New Delhi,INDIA
+91 9873-465-526
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