Custom Live CD

Mark Widdicombe mwiddicombe at
Fri Jul 9 13:59:17 UTC 2010

> You could try Linux Mint, which comes with the codecs pre-installed.
> This won't help if you need to install graphics drivers and so on,
> though. I think the bootable-USB-key route would be much more pleasant
> for that.

Thanks, I thought of that, but it doesn't solve the problem of the
other software I need.

> But more generally, speaking as a former IT Manager, this kind of
> behaviour could we be against company computer-usage policies. I was
> always very open to FOSS software and so on but some less enlightened
> companies are not.
> You could well be risking dismissal by this. You could try arguing
> sophistry - "I wasn't installing anything, I just rebooted" - but
> without the b*llsh*t, you are talking about replacing the company's
> mandated software with a new, completely different stack. This is
> blatantly taking the mickey and many companies would fire you for
> this, and frankly, even if I didn't agree with their policies, I would
> not blame them for enforcing them.

I would normally agree with you, but their opposition is not on the
grounds of using non-mandated software, it is about their hardware.
They have no objection if I bring in my laptop and use that to access
the company network (and they are aware that I run Linux on it), nor
do they mind that I ssh into the servers from home. Unfortunately, my
fiancé uses the laptop most of the time so until my finances can stretch
to another one I'm lumbered with the PC the company provides.

> If you are doing this just because you don't like how Windows *looks*
> then you are being outrageously petty.

No, as I pointed out the design of Windows leaves a lot to be desired and
I can be a lot more productive with multiple desktops, decent terminals
with vi so I can continue to edit files locally even if I'm not connected to
the server and the standard UNIX tools like diff.
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> Liam Proven * Profile:
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