Best File System for Media Repository

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Thu Jul 8 22:25:59 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Amichai Rotman <amichai at> wrote:
> I have partitioned the whole drive as Linux (0x82) and formated it as EXT4
> - checking the properties I got: 46.8 GB used and 870.1 GB free - and that's
> without any files on it!

Remember the disk drive manufacturers usually exaggerate the size of their
They quote (hardware unformatted sizes).  Another filesystem might give you
available space, but probably none of them will give you as much as you

Before you start seriously loading your data create several small 10 GB
partitions and create a different type of filesystem on each one.  See how
much available space you get for each one.  Then do some benchmarking with
the applications, services, etc. you expect to be using and see which one is
best for you.

Or if you are lazy just go with the default for the version of the os you
are installing.

Drew Einhorn

"You can see a lot by just looking."
 --  Yogi Berra
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