USB Not Automounting in 10.04 <Solved - Sort of>

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jul 6 20:00:48 UTC 2010

On 07/06/2010 09:37 AM, Barry Premeaux wrote:
> 32 bit Ubuntu 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-23.
> This is what I have found for the -22 and -23 kernels.
> If I have already booted up, it doesn't matter what usb device I plug
> in.  It will show up on lsusb.  In dmesg, it acknowledges that
> something has been plugged in, but goes no further.  In -21, it is not
> only seen in lsusb, but dmesg shows it as there and the proper driver
> is loaded.
> If I plug the device in prior to boot up, it is recognized during the
> boot up process on the -22 and -23 kernels.  My usb mouse is
> recognized and the usb flash drive is loaded and listed under places.
> It appears that the usb hot-plug function is not working in the latest
> two kernel versions.
> Barry

Perhaps it's this bug:
[USB devices not detected when hotplugged]

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