Jesus, am I using windows here or what????

Ray Parrish crp at
Tue Jul 6 18:32:12 UTC 2010

Pete Vander Giessen wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Ray Parrish <crp at> wrote:
>> i am quite frankly on the brink of committing suicide due to this
>> unwarranted attack against me, and I seriously need some very quick help
>> to recover my machine's previous abilities to the state they were in
>> before this heinous attack to keep me from actually killing myself!!!!!
> Hi Ray,
> A technical mailing list is probably not the best place to look for
> psychiatric help; we cannot assist you in a meaningful way with the
> software between your ears.
> We _can_ give you advice on troubleshooting and fixing your technical
> problem with Firefox/Ubuntu, but you need to understand that
> a) this is not an attack against you, it is merely an annoying
> technical problem; we all run into them sometimes
> b) technical problems are best solved when you are in a calm, rational
> state of mind.
> I have attempted to fix computers whilst angry, sleep deprived, or
> depressed, and that has never turned out well (oh, the servers I've
> crashed in my past ...).  You need to step away from the computer,
> take a walk, get some fresh air, look at things from the big
> perspective, and then come back to this issue when you can approach it
> methodically and rationally.
> When you can do that, I advise starting from scratch.  Try
> uninstalling Flash and Firefox, and then re-installing them, with a
> new profile, from the Ubuntu repositories.  Avoid installing you
> Firefox add-ons until you've tested the sound issue, then re-install
> them, one by one, testing for sound issues each time.
> If the problem is rooted in a corrupted profile or installation, this
> procedure should fix it.  If the problem is rooted in a faulty Firefox
> add-on, this should tell you which add-on is making trouble.
> If that doesn't work, try installing Chrome or Opera, and see if you
> have sound in those browsers.  That will tell you whether the problem
> is related to Firefox, or to Flash (Opera and Chrome use the same
> flash plugin as Firefox).
> That's not guaranteed to fix the problem, but it's the best place to
> (calmly, clear-headedly) start.
> ~PeteVG
> " ... the original aphorism being 'In comparison with the ancients, we
> stand like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants.' The image was a
> commonplace by the time Newton used it, his one contribution being to
> erase any sense that he himself might be a dwarf."
> ~ Lewis Hyde
I have sound in Seamonkey, but it is a very clumsy interface, and for 
some mad reason, after copying the flash files to the new FF 
installation it now refuses to play back on facebook, and myspace, with 
the previously mentioned problems with playback of FF.

I'm beginning to consider re-installing 8.04, or alternatively, 
utilizing my recently received 10.04 installation disk to solve this 

By the way, here is the article I think sparked this attack against me


Later, Ray Parrish

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