Jesus, am I using windows here or what????

Ray Parrish crp at
Tue Jul 6 16:45:07 UTC 2010

Liam Proven wrote:
> On 6 July 2010 17:20, Ray Parrish <crp at> wrote:
>> Please help me get the sound back, as I am a guitar player, and playing
>> along with those videos is essential to my developement.
> Got to tell you, if you call people a "fucking moron" for offering a
> hint, even a fairly obvious one, then I for one am not inclined to
> give you any help or assistance whatsoever, and I am sure a lot of
> others will feel the same.
> "Manners maketh man," as William Wykeham said.
I am sorry, but this feels like a direct attack to me, and I was not in 
the mood for being teased with obvious crap that I had obviously already 
tried. Once again, I am sorry for my outburst, but I am a schizophrenic, 
and believe that all of you can hear me think anyway, so I tend to get 
mad when people act stupid with me. It just feels like another attack!

Please help me get this to work again, I am sure it was an intentional 
attack, and I NEED THE ABILITY to hear, and record those videos to 
advance my new career as a musician.

Thank you, Ray Parrish

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Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray.
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things, including my poetry.

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