screensaver freezes system totally

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Jul 5 12:01:57 UTC 2010

On 07/05/2010 05:25 AM, pete wrote:
> Hi all,
> Having talked a friend into trying ubumtu 10.4 lucid (he's running the
> 64 bit version), He is encountering a problem that I have never come
> across before.
> Namely when the screen-saver has been running for about 20mins it
> freezes completely, and becomes totally unresponsive, only thing left is
> a hard reset!
> His system spec are
> AMD athlon dual core processor:
> Nvidia graphics (dunno which 1) using Nvidia current driver
> 4gb ram
> where would I find the relevant logs to try and start de-bugging this
> annoyance.
> note I am running the same system (installed from the same live cd) with
> no issues and cannot reproduce his issue although my machine does differ
> from his in the hardware.
     First turn off the screen saver and make sure it still freezes in 
about 20 mins. It should. It could be a problem with the Nvidia 
software.  These are my thoughts :-)

73 Karl

> Any thoughts gratefully appreciated
> Regards
> Pete


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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