Latest Firefox 3.6.6 - I don't like it...

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Jul 2 21:28:14 UTC 2010

On 07/01/2010 01:44 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 01/07/10 08:05, Robert Holtzman wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 04:20:01PM +1000, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> I had a perfectly working combination of Thunderbird and Firefox whereby
>>> clicking on an URL link in TB would bring up that link in
>>> Firefox......until this latest version, 3.6.6, installed earlier today
>>> :-) . That nice link has now been destroyed.
>>> FF is my default browser, its path is written correctly in its
>>> preferences (and it starts OK using this path on a command line), the
>>> config file for TB hasn't been altered....
>>> Anyone else suffering this annoyance following the upgrade of FF?
>> Yup.
> Oh good, I wasn't imagining it then :-) .
>>    Upgraded from FF 3.0.x to 3.6.6 (some jump, huh?) and suddenly
>> couldn't bring up FF from a URL in Mutt. Ran a few searches and found the
>> fix was to add "export BROWSER=/usr/bin/firefox" to my ~/.bashrc file.
>> After I verified that it worked I commented it out, rebooted, and saw
>> the same problem. Uncommented the entry and everything was fine.
> Unless what you wrote above is not quite right or I am not reading it
> correctly, adding a line into my .bashrc exactly as you show produces
> the same result as one from a dead horse :-( .
> But thank you for your response and suggested cure to the irritation :-) .
> Years of perfect co-ordination between TB and FF have gone up in smoke
> in a matter of a few minutes......I must now see how I can go back to
> the previous version of FF...
> BC
         I have found another problem with 3.6.6. My Firefox no longer 
displays movies. I have DSL Internet so the movies were choppy but they 
could be seen. I am certain the stuff I need was not transfered to 
3.6.6.  I checked with apt-cache search java This lists all the packages 
for java  and it shows zero java. I know I got java about 6 months ago 
but it has disappeared.

     I do not have saved the sudo apt-get install javaxxxx and can't 
seem to find it. Does anyone recall that java call?

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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