32 or 64??

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 17:03:45 UTC 2010

>> Have you tried using Wine on 64 bit? Some apps work, some don't.
> How is that different from the 32 bit version?

Not everything works.

>> Flash?
>> I don't know about *buntu 9.10 (I personally use 32 bit) but in 9.04
>> installing Flash on 64 bit was a headache. Does Virtualbox still have
>> problems with 64 bit?
> Installing Flash in 64 bit is the same as in 32 bit. Just wait until
> Firefox asks for it, select the desired flash player, and you're done.

It's nice to know that has improved.

>> Now tell me, what advantage does 64 bit have? Sure, a user _might_not_
>> have any problems with 64 bit, but then again he might. Why take that
>> risk when 32 bit works fine?
> That is true for all versions of all operating systems. So you advise
> people to stick with Windows if that works, because every change _might_
> cause problems.


> Personally, I want to use all the memory I have to avoid using /swap.
> The difference in responsiveness is certainly worth the 'risk' of having
> to switch to 32 bit later on.
> And just to be clear: the 32 bit version certainly is _not_ bug free.
> 32 bit advocators in this thread imply that it's a sure bet (like the
> above "32 bit works fine"), but most of the bugs on launchpad count for
> _both_ versions.

To experienced users I advocate nothing. To unexperienced users I
advocate simple.

>> The final straw for me is that many tutorials and guides directed at
>> *buntu users assume 32 bit. The user saves himself quite a headache by
>> stickin with 32 bit, even with 4 GB RAM.
> Haven't had any headaches yet.

You have a bit more experience than Joe Random Websurfer, no?

>> I have a feeling that this thread has turned into another Karl bashing
>> thread, and that's it. Karl is the new Microsoft now that Windows 7 is
>> out and *buntheads can no longer complain that W1nder$ suxXx. Grow up.
>> Give advice that helps the user,
> The advice to ignore Karl is a good advice 90% of the time.

Whether or not that is true, in this case Karl is in his 10%. Discuss
your different opinion with him, but give him the same respect that
you would expect.

Dotan Cohen


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