Possible To Burn Multiple Apps To One DVD-R With Menu?

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Sat Jan 30 20:04:51 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-01-30 at 12:35 -0600, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Thanks for a fast reply. That occurred to me but still a lot of 
> specifics I don't know. I could certainly create an empty folder and 
> burn an iso to it, untar a .tar.bz2 or install a bin file but don't know 
> that that is the way do go.  Also, do I then create another iso file 
> from the folder before burning it to the DVD-R? What about a menu?
> Not being pushy just calling attention to the fact that I've never been 
> down this road before. Hand holding is welcomed:-)

I don't really have any hand-holding type advice on this issue, but I've
considered this before, and thought of using GRUB to do it. The way I
did it was I downloaded a Super Grub Disk, unpacked the ISO into a
folder on my desktop, then launched the ISO in a virtual machine to
examine how it was working as I read the files. It all seemed really
simple, as in my recollection it simply did some action to change
folders, then there was a menu.lst file in each folder linking to
binaries, files, etc... (but this was based on grub legacy, and some
time ago). I'd suggest following a similar path.

On this note, it's making me want to resurrect my project... I'll keep
you posted if I do!

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