Grub disk: something automatic?

Rashkae ubuntu at
Thu Jan 28 16:53:12 UTC 2010

Rashkae wrote:

> Allright, I keed,, if installing grub2 to the superblock of a partition 
> is a bad idea, can someone provide more info on why?  I think the MBR is 
> far too often treated as public property that any OS and it's brother 
> feel free to screw up to be a reliable place for a Multi-OS GRUB install.

Regardless of my personal idea of good places to install a bootloader, 
it seems that my trick, which would work great with Grub1, opens a whole 
new list of problems for Grub2, and is something that should be left 
alone by people already having boot problems.  Sorry, and thanks for the 

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