Sun java 64-bit

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Thu Jan 28 16:00:35 UTC 2010

homayoon taheri wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:08 -0600, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> I'm reinstalling Ubuntu 64-bit and want to avoid some of the mistakes I 
>> made the first time.  Is there a 64-bit version of sun java in any of 
>> the repositories and if so what is it's name?
>> Thanks, Jim
> You can install one of the following two packages via apt-get or
> Synaptic:
> sun-java6-jre
> sun-java6-jdk
> These are 64-bit sun-java packages if you install them from 64 bit
> ubuntu environment.

OK, thanks to everyone who responded.  Good, you are running 64-bit so 
you are offered 64-bit, makes sense, I just wanted to be a little more 
methodical this time around.

Regards,  Jim

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