Could Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) users install some packages in higher Ubuntu versions ?

Goh Lip g.lip at
Thu Jan 28 04:07:55 UTC 2010

On 01/28/2010 11:43 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>> I installed lucid's linux-image 2.6.32 and firefox 3.6 on a jaunty box
>>> with the following. You can adapt this to your case but be warned that
>>> I was just messing around so did not care whether I broke anything.
>>> All is well though up to now.
>> Tom, this may be useful to you without recompiling the kernels or set up
>> a new partition with full installs to try. To try out other kernels with
>> another distro, at grub2 prompt, you can modify, say using kernel from
>> sda5 to use for distro at sda8
>> grub>linux (hd0,5)/vmlinuz root=sda8
>> grub>initrd (hd0,5)/initrd.img
>> grub>boot
>> It booted alright for me but end up with a non-functioning mouse or
>> keyboard. Some applications are not loaded, but that's okay. Maybe it is
>> because the kde versions crosses 3.5.10; 4.2.something and 4.4 rc2. If
>> you find a way to help handle the mouse/keyboard freeze, will appreciate it.
> I suspect that it did not work because your sda5 kernel would have
> needed /lib/modules/<sda5_kernel>  on sda5.

I think you mean "on sda8". Got it.

> So, it cannot be done on the fly. You would have to create an fstab
> entry to mount /dev/sda5/lib/modules/<sda5_kernel>  on
> /dev/sda8/lib/modules/<sda5_kernel>  before booting and doing your grub
> prompt boot above.

Thanks Tom, glad to know there's a way for it.

regards - goh lip

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