
Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Thu Jan 28 04:00:26 UTC 2010

On Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:19 AM, Tom H wrote:
>>>> Man...why does not anyone suggest NFS???
>>> Because Ubuntu defaults to samba, most probably to be easily
>>> compatible with Win and Mac.
>> Cool. Mac OS X is UNIX certified. Somehow, I doubt that it cannot handle
>> NFS...
> OS X can handle NFS but far less easily than Samba. The file sharing
> GUI defaults to AFP and you can choose SMB in the options - but not
> NFS.
> I suspect that Ubuntu is mimicking OS X in its choice of Samba.

The OpenSolaris guys have gui tools to make stuff easily shared over NFS 
and SMB...although I suspect the tools might be tied to zfs filesystems 

>> Windows does not have builtin NFS support, I will give you that.
>> So I fail to see why we cannot use a 'native' solution like NFS.
> Windows 7 is said to support NFS but, yes, previous versions need
> extra software for NFS.

Windows 7 supports NFS? Another reason for making sharing over NFS 
easier I guess...

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