9.10 regressions with dual-monitors

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Tue Jan 26 20:10:43 UTC 2010

Bill Moseley wrote:

> How do I define where Gnome panels are displayed on dual monitors?
> I plug in a second monitor into my Thinkpad T60p.  The 2nd monitor is on the
> left of my laptop.  With 9.04 this worked perfectly and Gnome would place
> the top and bottom panels on the 2nd monitor (on the left) when connected
> and back on the laptop screen when the 2nd monitor was disabled.   Now the
> panels remain on the laptop screen all the time.
> Dragging windows between screens still works as expected (and yes, I have
> the 2nd monitor configured on the left of the laptop screen in Display
> Preferences).
> I never understood how Gnome decided where to put the panels, but I just
> assumed it defaulted to the left.  On my 9.10 desktop with two monitors
> that's how it works -- that is the panels display on the left screen.
> I've also had a few times where the panels show on the laptop but none of
> the icons on top or the running applications on the bottom show up.
> Another pain is at the login screen I've had times where my external USB
> keyboard isn't enabled, too.  I find that very odd.


If so, I have some fix ideas.

And yes, 9.10 has huge regressions in both video, USB devices, and
suspend... except for those who haven't been affected ;-)


"Change requires small steps."

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