9.10 regressions with dual-monitors

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Tue Jan 26 17:46:14 UTC 2010

How do I define where Gnome panels are displayed on dual monitors?

I plug in a second monitor into my Thinkpad T60p.  The 2nd monitor is on the
left of my laptop.  With 9.04 this worked perfectly and Gnome would place
the top and bottom panels on the 2nd monitor (on the left) when connected
and back on the laptop screen when the 2nd monitor was disabled.   Now the
panels remain on the laptop screen all the time.

Dragging windows between screens still works as expected (and yes, I have
the 2nd monitor configured on the left of the laptop screen in Display

I never understood how Gnome decided where to put the panels, but I just
assumed it defaulted to the left.  On my 9.10 desktop with two monitors
that's how it works -- that is the panels display on the left screen.

I've also had a few times where the panels show on the laptop but none of
the icons on top or the running applications on the bottom show up.

Another pain is at the login screen I've had times where my external USB
keyboard isn't enabled, too.  I find that very odd.

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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