sun-java versions

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jan 26 02:06:41 UTC 2010

On 01/25/2010 12:39 PM, sktsee wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 15:33:04 -0800, NoOp wrote:
>> Rather than build a .deb, I generally just move the file to
>> /usr/lib/jvm/ and adjust to have everything point to
>> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java (and of course update-alternatives
>> accordingly). Perhaps it would be easier to create a script/installer
>> like the adobe-flashplugin.
> Ideally, I'd like to see Canonical get Sun to participate in its Partner 
> program and host sun-java in Canonical's Partner repository. Maybe 
> they've already approached Sun and got turned down, but it seems that if 
> Ubuntu were to give Sun the necessary support to create Debian packages, 
> then Sun would be responsible for the updates like Adobe is for flash. 
> But this is such an obvious idea, I can't imagine that it hasn't been 
> tried already. 

+1 on that.

> Anyway, I will mention that I downloaded the Sun Java SE Jre 6-18 update 
> yesterday and created a package to install it using java-package. There 
> is a trivial bug in the postinst script that make-jpkg includes on its 
> created .deb file which prevents the package from installing cleanly. 
> However, there's a very easy to workaround to fix it.  I'm going to check 
> to file a bug report on it later today if there isn't one already. So 
> far, everything java related seems to work ok. I hardly use any java 
> apps, but OpenOffice and Firefox work fine, and a trial copy of 
> Moneydance didn't have any problems. 

Perhaps putting the deb up on getdeb might be useful:
I'll have a go at creating a .deb tomorrow. Perhaps we could get Patton
to write a script to automate this afterwards? I'm sure you are more
than capable, but Patton likes to develop scripts & this might be an
ideal project for him :-)

>> Tried openJDK previously (within the past few months) and everything
>> went to hell for my multiple versions of, SeaMonkey &
>> Firefox browsers (all of which are installed independent of Ubuntu
>> repos). Same for the test machine with the Ubuntu flavours installed &
>> and took me a full afternoon to get everything sorted out.
> The version issue with OpenJDK isn't a problem like it is with sun-java 
> since all of the OpenJDK packages in each Ubuntu release gets all the 
> security updates regularly applied. According to the 2nd link you 
> provided,  the last security update for all OpenJDK versions was 10 weeks 
> ago. I suspect there will be another round of updates fairly soon.  This 
> follows Ubuntu's policy of updating release versions to fix security and 
> high impact bugs rather than upgrading them to newer upstream versions. 
> So at least if you are using OpenJDK, you can be reasonably be sure 
> you're getting security updates, even if your java apps are acting flakey 
> because of all of its bugs. 

Ah. But then you run into the same issues as other similar packages...
SeaMonkey comes to mind - where 'supposed' "security" fixes are applied
to outdated packages. But if you go through the security notices you
find: 1) outdated versions, 2) patches that are only "selectively"
applied. I've not bothered to check with OpenJDK, but can't help but
wonder if the same/similar situation may apply.

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